Now that I figured out the picture thing. I am sending a few more pics from our days in Beijing. We will be here in Changsha until Monday afternoon (Monday morning for you guys). We have to wait for the paperwork to be finished and processed. Today we went to one of the oldest Ancient Universities on the world. It was soooooooo hot that we were all sweating from places we didn't know you could sweat. The humidity here is crazy. We all took a dip in the pool when we got back. There are three families from our agency here. Carissa is the youngest but the biggest. The oldest one Alyssa is a tiny little thing at 18 months old (and I do mean TINY!!). Many of you know that we had requested information on two babies back in April and she was one of them. Her parents are from Tenessee and she is their first child. Their log in date is the same as ours so they to have waited for three years as is the case with most of our group and other people we have met from other agencies. We have met people with Great Wall and CCAI as well as several from Hawaii. They are all leaving today for Guangzhou as we stay on until Monday.
Tomorrow we will go to the Silk Factory and a nearby famous park (cannot remember the name). I will post more as I can now that I have this picture thing figured out and Carissa is adjust well to all of us.
I can't believe what a sweet disposition she has. Today she has really come out of her shell and is becoming really fun and silly. She seems to love to be held and cuddled (not a problem for me). She also loves to read books, play with her stacking cups and bang on things. I can't wait for everyone to meet her.
Bye for today and will post more tomorrow!!
Love the pictures and update! Thanks for keeping us posted. We look forward to hearing and seeing more. Take care and enjoy cuddling your new baby girl!
God bless,
Oh Pam, she is beautiful. Tears come to my eyes as I read and view the pictures. Praise the Lord! Praying for safety as you travel to the USA.
Jennifer Van Der Heide
Curt, Pam, and Ryan:
I am so thrilled to see Carissa in your arms! She is beautiful!! Ryan, you look like you are having so much fun...a smile in every picture. I will pray for rest and good health for the remainder of this trip. We are so ready to see you all and have you back in Michigan. Take care and know that we are praying for you all.
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