Friday, November 14, 2008

Carissa's First Trick or Treating

We took Carissa downtown Grand Haven for her first Trick or Treating experience. We went with some of our homeschool friends this year. We have had this tradition of visiting the downtown stores since Ryan was Carissa's age and have only missed one year. When Ryan was in 2nd grade, we were living in West Virginia that year. Later she had fun visiting a few of the neighbors but mostly helping mom pass out candy. Ryan decided to be a dog house (or pretend he was "in the dog house"). People kept asking him what he did to deserve being "in the dog house". He had fun with that, but the costume was a bit large for some of the doors. He and his dad painted Carissa's car seat box and then he and I embellished it a little. We decided Carissa was going to be a lady bug this year, since ladybugs are a sign of good luck in China. Had to keep up with the Chinese theme this year!!


Anonymous said...

I love the picture with her tongue sticking out.

Austin said...

super cute little ladybug! ellee was a ladybug, too. and very creative dog house!