Friday, October 24, 2008

Carissa's First Month Home

As I sit and type this new post, I am amazed at how our family has changed in the past month. Four weeks ago tomorrow we brought Carissa home to America. She has adjusted so well. Her personality is fairly easy going and soooo much fun and silly. She reminds me a lot of Ryan when he was a baby. If this is any indication of her future personality, we should be soooo lucky and can only pray!! He was such a good baby and has always been a pretty easy going kid (almost teenager - ugghh!!).

The first two weeks we were home we started to slowly get back into the swing of our American life. Ryan went back to homeschooling and Carissa began to get adjusted to sleeping in her new bed and room. She is sleeping through the night by herself now and sleeps through the night. Naps are shorter than I like but that will come.

Two weeks ago my parents came. We bought a home in June that needed two bathrooms re-done so my dad finished one while he was here and will finish the next one later. They had so much fun getting to know her and play with her. She also got to know them well and loved and cuddled on them like she does with us. She definitely prefers her mommy, though!! I am not complaining. She has attached so well.

We missed her birthday on September 12th so on October 12th (her 13 month birthday) we celebrated with my parents. We went to church then to Lewis Farmer Market and Orchard. It was such a warm, beautiful, sunny day that we decided to pick apples. They also had a petting zoo. The only thing that she liked was the cat. The rest of the animals were totally ignored by her. She was also tired so that was part of her lack of interest in the animals. She was next to the sheep when he loudly went BAAAA and that scared her. Later that evening we celebrated with cake and we had fun getting her messy. She didn't like the feeling of the icing at first but soon learned that it was edible and enjoyed it. Ryan did the same exact thing when he turned one.

She is getting more comfortable with our friends when they are around and loves to make faces at them. I am going to post some fun pictures of her past month at home. Enjoy!!

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