Yesterday, Carissa had a hearing test with an Audiologist at Devos Children Hospital in Grand Rapids. They had to give her oral sedation which made her sleep for about 2 1/2 hours (the test only took 30 minutes). We received great news regarding her hearing capability, which we were not surprised about since she tries to repeat things we say.
Her right ear is completely normal and the left ear, which has the deformity, was also receiving sound and causing brain waves during the test. This indicated that she has hearing in that ear and the cochlea is in place. Since the ear is covered, we don't know if she has the ear canal that connect to the inner workings of the ear or not. That will be determined by an MRI. They can make an ear canal if not. She has her first visit with the pediatric plastic surgeon the first part of December. They don't usually do repairs to the ear until 6-7 years old (according to what I've read). We will find out when we see the physician in December.
As far as her heart murmur that was also diagnosed with her special need, her physician said that he did not hear anything that would concern him. We also consulted with a Pediatric surgeon yesterday that was examining Carissa before her hearing test. She couldn't detect a heart murmur either. We are seeing a Pediatric Cardiologist next Thursday just to make sure since her Chinese physical from when she was 4 months old stated this condition. We want to make sure we cover all bases.
She is such a healthy little chunk, weighing in at 24 lbs. and 30 inches. She loves to eat!!
We love her soooo much and can't imagine life without her. The three year wait was worth it! Now that it is over - HA! HA! - I can now say that!!